
These journals are already supported by OLEcon.

All journals supported by OLEcon are scholar-led and published in Diamond Open Access.

Open Access

European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies

Online ISSN: 2052-7772

Professor Torsten Niechoj (Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Germany), Professor Eckhard Hein (Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany), Professor Marc Lavoie (University of Paris 13, France and University of Ottawa, Canada), Associate Professor Gennaro Zezza (University of Cassino, Italy and Levy Economics Institute at Bard College, USA)

The title rights are held by the editors.

European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies (EJEEP) is an economics journal which serves as a forum for studies of macro-economic theory, economic institutions and economic policies. Articles are peer-reviewed in a double-blind process.

The journal is published since 2004 and currently produces 3 issues with a total of around 30 articles per year. The publisher Edward Elgar is the service provider for the publication of the journal.

EJEEP is published in Diamond Open Access since 01.01.2023. There is unrestricted worldwide access free of charge. Re-use under the terms of the CC-BY licence. No fees are charged for the publication of articles.

Indexing and rankings:
EJEEP is indexed in Scopus and UGC-Care. It has a SCImago Journal Rank of 0.235 and the H-Index is 18.

GER cover

German Economic Review (GER)

Online ISSN: 1468-0475

Leading editor is Hartmut Egger (University of Bayreuth).
Further information on all editors can be found on the DeGruyter Website.

The title rights are held by „Verein für Socialpolitik“ (VfS).

The “German Economic Review (GER)” is an international journal that publishes economic research papers that attract broad public interest. The range of research approaches includes theoretical, empirical and experimental work.

The GER is the English-language journal of the VfS.

The journal has been published since 2000 and publishes four issues per year.

The journal will be published Open Access from 2025. The publisher DeGruyter is the service provider for the publication. DeGruyter organizes co-financing of the production costs of the journals via the Subscribe-to-Open model. Reuse under the terms of the CC-BY license. No fees are charged for the publication of articles.

Indexing and rankings:
GER is indexed in Scopus and Web of Science (SSCI). It has an Journal Impact Factor of 1,2, a SCImago Journal Rank of 0,447 and the H-Index is 39.

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German Journal of Agricultural Economics (GJAE)

Online ISSN: 2191-4028

Jens Rommel (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), Professor Silke Hüttel (University of Göttingen) and Professor Martin Odening (Humboldt University Berlin)

The title rights from 2024 onwards are held by the academic society GEWISOLA. GEWISOLA is the academic association of researchers in the field of agricultural economics and agricultural sociology in Germany.

German Journal of Agricultural Economics (GJAE) serves as platform for scholarly and innovative work in the field of agricultural and food economics and related disciplines. GJAE is the most important academic journal for the agricultural and food sector in the German-speaking region.

The journal is published since 1952 (until 1999 under the title “Agarwirtschaft”) and currently publishes 4 issues with in total about 16 articles per year, plus one supplement.

GJAE will flip to Diamond Open Access on 01.01.2024 and will be published by TIB Open Publishing. There is unrestricted worldwide access free of charge. Re-use under the terms of the CC-BY licence. There are no fees for the publication of articles.

Indexing and rankings:
GJAE is indexed in Scopus, Web of Science (SCIE) and UGC-Care. It has an impact factor of 0.536, a SCImago Journal Rank of 0.254 and the H-index is 13.

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Junior Management Science (JUMS)

Online ISSN: 2941-1861

D. van Aaken (Fresenius University of Sustainability), Christian Koziol (University of Tübingen), Gunther Friedl (TU Munich), Sascha Raithel (FU Berlin)

The title rights are held by JUMS e.V.

Junior Management Science e.V. (JUMS) is a journal for early career researchers. JUMS publishes the best peer-reviewed Bachelor’s and Master’s theses in business administration. An editorial board of 75 professors from over 50 universities monitors the double-blind peer review process.

JUMS is supported by the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB).

The journal is published since 2016 and currently publishes 4-5 issues per year, each with 10 theses.

The journal is already Open Access and is published by Open Journals LMU. From 01.01.2024, JUMS will be supported by OLEcon. There is unrestricted worldwide access free of charge. Re-use under the terms of the CC-BY licence. There are no fees for the publication of articles.


Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik (PWP)

Online ISSN: 1468-2516

Achim Wambach (ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research), Lutz Arnold (University of Regensburg), Giacomo Corneo (FU Berlin), Karen Horn (University of Erfurt), Martin Kocher (University of Vienna), Dominika Langenmayr (Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt), Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi (University of Mannheim), Martin Quaas (University of Leipzig)

The title rights are held by „Verein für Socialpolitik“ (VfS).

The “Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik” (PWP) performs a bridging function in the field of economics journals by also addressing non-specialists with its content written by academics, in particular people with an economics background who want to find out about the current state of research.

PWP is the german-language journal of the VfS.

The journal has been published since 2000 and publishes four issues per year.

The journal will be published Open Access from 2025. The publisher DeGruyter is the service provider for the publication. DeGruyter organizes co-financing of the production costs of the journals via the Subscribe-to-Open model. Reuse under the terms of the CC-BY license. No fees are charged for the publication of articles.

Indexing and rankings:
PWP is indexed in Scopus. It has a SCImago Journal Rank of 0.206 and the H-Index is 16.

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Vierteljahreshefte zur Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsforschung (VAW)

Online ISSN: 2942-1470

Leading editors are Prof. Dr. Dorothea Schäfer (Institut Arbeit und Wirtschaft (iaw), Universität Bremen) and Prof. Dr. Irene Dingeldey (Institut Arbeit und Wirtschaft (iaw), Universität Bremen).
Further information on all editors can be found on the VAW website

The journal is published as a scholar-led journal with the support of the State and University Library Bremen. 
The title rights are held by the editors.

Vierteljahreshefte zur Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsforschung (VAW) publishes concise and applied research on important topics from the real economy, labor markets and  other crucial and relevant areas of economic policy. Standing in the tradition of the earlier “Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung”, the VAW aims to provide guidance on complex economic policy issues. 

The journal is published since 2024 and currently publishes 4 issues with in total about 650 pages per year.

VAW will be published in Diamond Open Access from 2025. There is unrestricted worldwide access free of charge. Re-use under the terms of the CC-BY licence. There are no fees for the publication of articles.

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